Henry of the Minter's Beyer

Beyer, Henry of Minter (ur. 07.03.1782 Szczecin, zm. 24.10.1855 Chrzanów near Warsaw).
Initially, she studied drawing in Szczecin under the painter Peter Schmidt. In years 1805-11, while in Berlin with brother Karol Fryderyk, miniaturist and lithographer,

Berlewi Henryk

Berlewi, Henry (ur. 1894 Warsaw, zm. 1967 Paris).
Painter, art critic, member of the Blok group, Syndicate of the French Artistic Press oraz International Association of Art Critics (AICA). He studied at the SSP in Warsaw in the l. 1904-09, at the Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp in the l.

Bellotto Bernardo

Bellotto, Bernardo (ur. 30.01.1721 Venice, zm. 17.11.1780 Warsaw).
Nephew and student of Antonio Canal called. Canaletto, from which he took the nickname. Antonio is known in his homeland until today under this nickname, in Western Europe and the United States, to Bellotto

Bartoszek Franciszek

Bartoszek, Francis (ur. 1910 Pieranie, zm. 1943 Warsaw (he died in combat action))
Painter, member of the grouping Czapka Phrygijska. He studied art at the SSP and the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw in. 1930-35 under the direction of T.. Pruszkowski and F. Kowarski. He became a member while studying

Marceli Bacciarelli

Baccarelli, Marcela (ur. 16.02.1731 Rome, zm. 05.01.1731 Warsaw).
Bacciarelli was educated in Rome with Marc Benefial. W 1750 he left for Dresden on the initiative of Karl H. Heineken, inspector of the Royal Cabinet of Prints and advisor to Augustus III in matters of art, to be along with others

Adler Jankiel

Adler, Jankiel (ur. 1895 Tuszyn k. Lodz, zm. 1949 Aldbourne k. London).
Painter, chart. He began his artistic studies in Poland, he continued them in Yugoslavia, and then to 1918 at the Kunstgewerbeschule in Barmen near Dusseldorf. Lata 1918-20 spent in Warsaw, working together

Teodor Axentowicz

Axentowicz, Theodore (ur. 1859 Braov in Transylvania, zm. 1938 Cracow).
Teodor Axentowicz – painter, pastellist, lithographer – he was one of the most famous and respected in his time, also abroad, Polish portrait photographers. He was educated in Kraków and Munich; from