Painting – Classicism

Painting – Classicism.

Classicism (from Latin. classicist – perfect, first-rate, exemplary, learned) , as a style referring to the achievements of the ancient Greeks and Romans, reigned in the Age of Enlightenment. The fullest flowering of classicism took place at the end of the 18th century …

Painting – Rococo

Painting – Rococo.

Rococo (1680-1750) is often called “a lighter version of baroque”. It retains the richness of the baroque style, but he deals with a trivial topic. A typical rococo work is bright, a delicately painted scene from the life of the royal court.


Rococo – stylistic trend, present especially …

Painting – Renaissance

Painting – Renaissance.

The Renaissance of the 15th and 16th centuries is a period in the history of culture called “revival”. The era between 1350-1510 brought revolutionary changes to painting.

Secular art appeared, portrait, landscape not related to religious representations. The Renaissance introduced freer colors, revived the other …


Political coloring pages.

W 1962 In the year, cartoonist Mort Drucker collaborated with humorist Paul Laikin on the creation books John F. Kennedy , a satirical introduction to Kennedy, his family and administration, told from the point of view of his daughter Caroline . The book sold in …