

Word icon comes from Greek eikon – "Image”, "image”. Originally in Byzantium, this term was used to describe religious images, both in blackboard painting, and wall. Contemporaries, talking about the icon, they mainly mean this …



Byzantine art was formed from the Greco-Roman tradition and its combination with oriental elements. It is considered the culmination point of the development of early Christian art, a was born after Constantine moved the capital of the Roman Empire to Byzantium in 330 r. The greatest artistic activity …

The legacy of the Hittites and the poetite states

Turkey is a patchwork of many cultures of our world. Here we find traces of the Hittites, examples of Greek and Roman ancient architecture, buildings from the Byzantine period and extremely interesting Turkish monuments. In museums we will admire, among others. beautiful ancient carvings, Byzantine mosaics and magnificent Ottoman specimens …

Divisionist invoice


1. Many people, insensitive to the effects of harmony, colors and lights, he saw in the technique of neo-impressionists only a way. This method, which ensures the achievement of the desired results thanks to the purity of the color elements, their proper dosing and perfect blending in the viewer's eye, does not have to …

The contribution of neo-impressionists

Images found for the query Impressionists - paintersCONTRIBUTION OF NEOIMPRESSIONISTS

1.W 1886 r. at the last exhibition of the Impressionist group (8 Painting exhibition with the participation of Mrs. Marie Bracquemond, Panny Mary Cassatt, Gentlemen of Degas, Showman, Gauguin, Guillaumin, Pani Berthe Morisot, Gentlemen Camille Pissarro, Lucien Pissarro, Odilon Redon, Rouart, Schuffenecker, Seurat, Signac, …