Gotard, Jan (ur. 1898 Warsaw, murdered there 1943).
Painter, chart, member of the Society of St.. Luke. Initially, he studied law at the University of Warsaw, then take up artistic studies at private courses of K.. Krzyżanowski, which he continued in the SSP under the direction of T.. Pruszkowski and W.. Skoczylas in the years 1923-27. As an assistant to T. Pruszkowski, he conducted evening drawing in the years 1929-37. He was one of the co-founders of the Society of St.. Luke in 1925 and together with J.. Zamoyski, the author of its statute. He participated in all the Brotherhood's exhibitions, he took part in shows of Polish art abroad, organized by TOSSPO. The main motif of Gotard's painting were portraits or portrait studies treated as a genre subject. In the form of his works, he referred to the art of the great Dutch, Italians and Germans. Many features also testify to the knowledge of the works of F.. Pączarski. Gotard can be found in his paintings, related to the works of this artist - grotesque exaggeration of physiognomic features, consciously highlighting ugliness, precisely working out the appearance of clothes and objects on the canvas. Apart from the portrait, he also practiced historical and fantasy-allegorical painting, a striking example of which can be A fairy tale about Cinderella, reminiscent of the macabre grotesques of H.. Bosch. Gotard's first works were distinguished by sharp contours, a strange range of colors, sometimes amazing lighting. Later, the artist softened the slightly naturalistic and ruthless precision of the drawing through a certain fluidity and blurring of the contours.. However, he did not break his portraits with the blunt and expressive character of the model's face.
Painter, chart, member of the Society of St.. Luke. Initially, he studied law at the University of Warsaw, then take up artistic studies at private courses of K.. Krzyżanowski, which he continued in the SSP under the direction of T.. Pruszkowski and W.. Skoczylas in the years 1923-27. As an assistant to T. Pruszkowski, he conducted evening drawing in the years 1929-37. He was one of the co-founders of the Society of St.. Luke in 1925 and together with J.. Zamoyski, the author of its statute. He participated in all the Brotherhood's exhibitions, he took part in shows of Polish art abroad, organized by TOSSPO. The main motif of Gotard's painting were portraits or portrait studies treated as a genre subject. In the form of his works, he referred to the art of the great Dutch, Italians and Germans. Many features also testify to the knowledge of the works of F.. Pączarski. Gotard can be found in his paintings, related to the works of this artist - grotesque exaggeration of physiognomic features, consciously highlighting ugliness, precisely working out the appearance of clothes and objects on the canvas. Apart from the portrait, he also practiced historical and fantasy-allegorical painting, a striking example of which can be A fairy tale about Cinderella, reminiscent of the macabre grotesques of H.. Bosch. Gotard's first works were distinguished by sharp contours, a strange range of colors, sometimes amazing lighting. Later, the artist softened the slightly naturalistic and ruthless precision of the drawing through a certain fluidity and blurring of the contours.. However, he did not break his portraits with the blunt and expressive character of the model's face.
Step, 1929
oil, plate, 75 x 90 cm;
National Museum in Warsaw;

oil, plate, 75 x 90 cm;
National Museum in Warsaw;

A fairy tale about Cinderella, 1937
oil, dictation, 120 x 200 cm;
Jewish Museum;
oil, dictation, 120 x 200 cm;
Jewish Museum;