Sculpture in Austria

Sculpture in Austria

The sculpture has always reflected changes, which took place in architecture at the turn of the century. The famous altar of Nicholas of Verdun in Klosterneuburg Abbey in Lower Austria comes from the Romanesque period. There are also several in Austria …

Painting in Austria

Painting in Austria

Gothic church art is best presented in the collection of medieval paintings in the Orangery in Vienna's Lower Belvedere. Renaissance elements first appeared in the works of the Danube school, which combined landscape and religious themes. Among them are primarily Rueland Frueauf …

Austrian literature

Austrian literature

One of Austria's most outstanding medieval works is the Song of the Nibelungen, written around 1200 r. by an unknown poet. This epic poem tells a colorful story of passion, fidelity and revenge, taking place at the Burgundian court in Worms. The theme of this epic remained …

Franciszek Schubert and others

Franciszek Schubert

Living in years 1797-1828, he was the last of the greatest composers of the Vienna School of the Classicist period (1740-1825). Being a native Viennese, he became a restorer of the old tradition of German song (Lieder) and introduced the custom of organizing musical evenings, called Schubertiads. His skills and achievements …

Ludwig van Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven

This great creator (1770-1827) was born in Bonn, Germany, in a family with deep musical traditions. However, he was not a prodigy, and his genius only began to emerge in his teens. W 1787 r. Beethoven stayed …

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

This composer (1756-1791) is perhaps the most famous classical music virtuoso of all time. Many other composers were worshiped by his music – Haydn considered him "the greatest composer”, and Schubert melted in delight, arguing, that "the magic of Mozart's music …

Music in Austria

Music in Austria

Music, classical music in particular, is this field of art, which Austria is most famous for. Already in the 12th century. Vienna was known worldwide for the performances of minezingers and other traveling musicians. W 1498 r. Maximilian I. …

Zygmunt Freud

Zygmunt Freud

Zygmunt Freud will give birth! myself 6 house 1856 r. in Freiberg, Moravia. Three years later his father, Jewish wool merchant, will carry out! with his family to Vienna, where he lived in the district of Leopoldstadt. There Freud got all his …


Salzburg-born physicist and mathematician Christian Johann Doppler (1803-1853) observed, that the wavelengths of light and sound decrease in relation to the recipient as they approach and increase as their source moves away. This explains the change in pitch of the police siren …